Most credit union websites are one-size-fits-all experiences: one experience is designed for all visitors. But that approach inevitably leads to irrelevant interactions with website users because each individual is unique, and people visit credit union websites for hundreds of different reasons. What makes more sense is to create a credit union website design that adapts for each visitor based on data about the user.


Who are your users?

There are probably hundreds of different persona groups that use your site on a regular basis. But on a high level, credit union website users consist of three major groups: First-Timers, Shoppers, and Login-ers.


As the name implies, First-Timers are people who are visiting your website for the first time. They are probably nonmembers who are researching financial products and services.


A Shopper is a person returning to your website after showing interest in a product or service on a previous visit. For instance, let’s say a Shopper perused the auto loan page during her last session on your website. Therefore, her browsing behavior suggests she probably wants to buy a car.


A Login-er is a person returning to your website after logging into online banking on a previous visit.

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