Your website is the front door of your entire credit union. Look at your analytics and you’ll see that it gets far more visits than any of your branches, which makes it one of the most powerful tools you have to grow loans and deposits. But I’ve talked with hundreds of CU marketers about credit union website design and have learned something…
OREM, UT (March 8, 2019) — Exciting design and technology changes are on their way as the award-winning design agency, BloomCU, begins development on Limestone Federal Credit Union’s new website. Ushering in upgraded technology, interactive content, and gorgeous design aspects, the new site will be up and running by Summer 2019. Limestone FCU was founded in 1955 to provide affordable financial and banking services…
What job causes your credit union to hire a website? Famous Harvard professor Clayton Christensen asks a similar question about milkshakes, which has become the most well-known example of his Jobs to be Done theory of innovation. He asks, “What job causes you to hire a milkshake?” For the milkshakes described by Christensen in the video above, morning commuters bought…
Videos capture people’s attention and evoke emotions. That’s why OE Federal Credit Union wanted a background video for their website’s homepage. So, they teamed up with BloomCU to create a video that would depict OE’s distinct working-man brand. This gif shows a snippet of the background video created by BloomCU. To see the full video, visit As…
Unlike the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, or a pack of snarling Yeti, the misconceptions people have about credit unions can do real harm. There are four myths in particular that dissuade people from banking with credit unions. As the number one touch point with your potential members, your credit union’s website is an ideal place to dispel these myths. …
OREM, UT (January 14, 2019) — Fresh changes are on their way after Saco Valley Credit Union solidified a partnership with award-winning credit union website design agency BloomCU. The new and improved website is guaranteed to be an intuitive and aesthetically gorgeous experience for members. Cutting-edge technology built into the site will enable the credit union to reach a larger audience and boost membership….
OREM, UT (December 11, 2018) — BloomCU is excited to announce the completion and launch of OAS Staff Federal Credit Union’s completely new credit union website design. Packed with upgraded technology and exquisite design aspects, the site is ready to serve the geographically diverse members of OAS FCU. [Read More at CUInsight]
OREM, UT (December 5, 2018) — SIU Credit Union is excited to announce the recent launch of their completely new credit union website design, proudly built by award-winning agency BloomCU. Serving the rural areas of southern Illinois, SIU is devoted to providing exceptional service for their members, while continuing to be an integral part of their community by partnering with local charities…

Objects moving in unison appear to be related When multiple objects follow the same trend of motion, they appear to be related or form a group. Synchronization further strengthens this perception, as seen in spectacles like synchronized swimming and the Blue Angels. Conversely, there is contrast if objects are moving in different directions or if some objects are stationary. In…

The balance of elements within a design impacts its usefulness and aesthetic Symmetry is used in all forms of art and studied in all branches of science.* It exists all around us: in the device you are using to read this; in Einstein’s E=mc2; in Newton’s third law of motion, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”;…